“Sam I Am”

  • 1996
  • 14’3 hh
  • Quarter Horse Cross
  • Gelding

Sam used to be a lesson horse at Kuruka for many years, being a dependable beginner horse and taking the advanced riders up in the levels. Until in 2014 he suffered a torn ligament injury which prevented him from jumping anymore, so while Sam healed Dara’s parents surprised her and purchased Sam on July 13th 2014. Since Sam can no longer jump, Dara and Sam started showing the hack classes at local schooling series and we thought we found Sam’s calling in the hack classes….  until September 2016 Dara and Sam fell in love with Dressage after their first dressage show together. Then they started competing on our Bronze Level Dressage Team. In summer of 2018  Sam also got his left eye removed so he is now even more cute! Though he is only at 14.3 hh, he’s not very tall, but what he lacks in height he makes up for in his huge personality. 

Sam officially retired July 2022, and enjoys being pampered and chilling with his retired boys. But also going on walks with Dara’s son 


“Sam / Samson / Sammy / Sammy Bear” – Dara